Program Description International Tour Funding

As of October 2024

I. Purpose of Funding

The International Tour Funding seeks to support tours by performing artists (soloists or ensembles) in the genres of rock, pop, jazz, hip-hop, heavy metal, and electronic music abroad, addressing financial gaps. It aims to assist artists in seizing international performance opportunities that, with a sufficiently professional perspective, provide an exceptional chance for market entry and further establishment.

II. Funding Object

International tours encompass tours, support shows, performances at music festivals, showcases, or TV and radio broadcasts abroad, with a maximum of 15 performances. The performance dates must be temporally and spatially plausible and form a visible unit.

Ideally, the funding should cover more than a single performance. The chances of funding increase when additional activities, such as follow-up concerts or broader promotional activities, take place.

If individual performances in Germany are part of international tours, the tour is only eligible for funding if a maximum of 40% of the performances occur domestically.

III. Eligibility

Eligible applicants are performing artists residing in Germany, regardless of nationality. For ensembles, the majority of band members must have their residence in Germany. Funding can only be requested for band members and, if applicable, up to two accompanying persons (management, sound/light technicians) residing in Germany.

Initiative Musik reserves the right to randomly request a copy of the registration confirmation or ID card from the applicants.

Applicants should demonstrate an internationally oriented strategy and a sufficiently professional structure. The repertoire should primarily consist of original musical works.

The focus of the funding is on tours in high-potential target markets such as the USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Europe, especially the United Kingdom, France, the Benelux countries, and the Nordic countries. Other countries may be considered as target markets under certain circumstances, provided that sound carrier releases or other sustainable market-ready activities can be verified there.

The applying individual or band should preferably have a written confirmation of the performances or an invitation from the respective organizers. This must include the location, date, and details of the performances.

Generally, only one artist or band may apply per application. For joint tours involving multiple acts, individual applications must be submitted for each.

To avoid double funding, tours already receiving federal funding (e.g., through the Goethe-Institut or Musikfonds) are excluded from Initiative Musik’s International Tour Funding.

Other funding from states or municipalities is generally compatible but must be disclosed during the application process.

Acts and bands that promote unconstitutional, illegal, or criminal content, or whose program focuses on content harmful to minors, are excluded from funding.

As a funding platform advocating for equality, diversity, and cultural participation in music (see Initiative Musik’s guidelines), Initiative Musik reserves the right to question the eligibility for funding of acts and ensembles that spread hateful content or ideologies of inequality and to withdraw the funding approval.

IV. Funding Conditions

The application must be submitted no later than 5 weeks before the start of the tour, both online and by mail or fax with an original signature.

At least 25% of the total expenses must be covered by the applicants themselves. International tour funding can be granted up to three times within a calendar year.

There is no entitlement for the applying individual/band to receive a grant or a grant in the requested amount. Requested funding amounts may be approved with reductions.

Projects for which funding is requested must not have started at the time of application. Binding bookings for, e.g., hotels or flights may only be made after receiving funding approval. If it is necessary to make bookings between the application and funding approval, a so-called early start of measures can be requested during the application. This will be individually reviewed by Initiative Musik and, if necessary, granted in writing. The approval of an early start of measures does not imply a binding funding commitment. Therefore, the project begins at one’s own risk.

V. Type, Scope, and Amount of Funding

For international tours, a grant can be applied for in the form of a lump sum financing.

The requested funding amount must not exceed 75% of the total expenses.

The approved funding amount depends on the level of uncovered expenses, with a maximum funding amount that varies based on the target territory and the number of tour dates as follows:

For international tours with up to five performances or for the first five performances of a longer tour, a grant of up to

  • 600 EUR per eligible person in European countries;
  • 1,200 EUR per eligible person in non-European countries

can be applied for.

For tours that include more than five dates, a grant per performance of up to

  • 100 EUR per eligible person and per performance in European countries;
  • 150 EUR per eligible person and per performance in non-European countries

can be applied for, for a maximum of ten additional performances.

Eligible for funding are artists and band members plus up to two accompanying persons (e.g., manager, booker, PR agent, light/sound technician) if they are resident in Germany.

Funded expenses include travel, accommodation, and meal costs (in accordance with the Federal Travel Expenses Act – BRKG – and the Foreign Travel Expenses Regulation – ARVVwV). This includes, for example, flights, train journeys, local transport, car rental with fuel, or a kilometer allowance for arrival by private car, toll fees, visa fees, or rental/transportation costs of instruments and equipment. Booking and agency commissions can also be included.

Expenses must be directly related to the tour, both temporally and spatially (duration and location of the event). Meal and accommodation expenses can be claimed for the actual performance days plus a maximum of one additional day (travel day) per performance. Arrival and departure days are not included here. Extensions of the trip before or after the event are not part of the funding.

Additionally, a grant of up to 75%, up to a maximum of 2,000 EUR, can be applied for marketing and promotional activities. This includes, for example, social media, PR and marketing campaigns, tour posters and flyers, photography, video, etc., directly associated with the tour.

VI. Application Process

Recipients of the International Tour Funding are exclusively artists or bands. Therefore, applications for International Tour Funding must generally be submitted by the artists themselves or by a band member. In exceptional cases, a duly authorized representative (upon presentation of a power of attorney) can also submit the application.

The application form must be completed online initially, providing detailed information about the applying person/band, the tour, the goals, and the planned activities. In addition to the application, an invitation letter, a financing plan (using the Excel template provided by Initiative Musik), and an artistic CV of the person or band must be attached.

After online submission, the application, including attachments, must be printed, signed, and sent by mail or fax to Initiative Musik:

Initiative Musik gGmbH
Export and International Tour Funding
Friedrichstr. 122
10117 Berlin

Fax number: (030) 531 475 45-199

Applications for International Tour Funding are processed continuously. The application must be submitted at the latest five weeks before the start of the tour, both online and by mail or fax with an original signature.

Only fully completed and correctly formatted applications can be considered. The application is formally reviewed by Initiative Musik; if necessary, incorrect documents will be requested and must be provided within five working days. In light of this, it is recommended to submit the application as early as possible.

All information is treated confidentially in accordance with GDPR guidelines and is used exclusively for decision-making and funding purposes.

VII. Jury Decision

The decision on the application is made by an independent jury composed of individuals who represent an expert cross-section of the music industry with a focus on export.

Applicants will be informed in writing by Initiative Musik about the jury’s funding decision. In the event of approval, the amount of the approved funding will be communicated.

VIII. Disbursement and Utilization Report

A mandatory utilization report must be submitted within six weeks after the conclusion of the tour. This report is to be sent through the online application tool and by mail or fax, accompanied by an original signature. Only when the utilization report is submitted and verified can the funding amounts be disbursed.

The utilization report plausibly presents incomes and expenses through a target-performance comparison without the need for receipts. Approved marketing and PR grants must be substantiated. Furthermore, Initiative Musik reserves the right to randomly request evidence or documentation for the entire funding.

In addition, a factual report must be attached describing the results of the tour. Executed activities, especially press and public relations measures, should be documented. Experiences gained and goal achievement should also be indicated in the report.

The utilization report must be personally signed by the artist (for bands: at least two band members) and sent by mail or fax to Initiative Musik:

Initiative Musik gGmbH
Export and International Tour Funding
Friedrichstr. 122
10117 Berlin

Fax number: (030) 531 475 45-199

For projects with a requested total funding amount of at least 3,000 EUR, applied for at least ten weeks before the start of the event, an advance of up to 90% of the approved funding amount can be granted if needed. The advance can be requested as part of the application.

If an advance is requested and approved, it should be used purposefully and expended in full within six weeks after disbursement, plus the corresponding co-payment for due payments. Funds that are not used or not expended within six weeks after disbursement must be promptly reimbursed to Initiative Musik. If repayment occurs after the 6-week period, additional interest may be charged.

If the utilization report is not submitted within six weeks after the end of the tour, the right to funding expires. The applicant is obliged to promptly reimburse all advances and funding amounts already disbursed by that time, plus any applicable interest.

IX. Application Consultation

For questions regarding the application and the utilization report, please contact:

Team Export-/International Tour Funding
T: +49 (0)30 – 531 475 45 – 40

If you wish to use registered mail when submitting the application, please send it as registered mail where the deliverer documents the deposit into the mailbox or postbox (“Einschreiben Einwurf”).

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